What Is The Key To Business Success?




If you were given 3 chances to guess what the key to business success is, would you be able to guess what that one skill that the world’s most successful people have in common is?

The highest-paid people in life have the key to business success. What is this one primary and often-invisible skill that they possess? Can you guess it?

Its invisibility stems from the fact that it isn’t flashy, you can’t flaunt it, you can’t even learn it. It’s a skill that simply must be demonstrated over a long period of time.

Ask anybody what they believe the highest-paid skill is and you’re bound to hear answers such as…

  • selling,
  • coding,
  • learning,
  • execution,
  • networking,
  • negotiation,
  • innovation,
  • leadership,
  • and more.

All of the above are important key skills and depending on your business, each may outweigh the other.

But none of these skills are valuable if you can only do them once or even now-and-then.

The reason why certain actors receive gigantic sums isn’t necessarily because they had one breakout performance, it’s typically because they’ve had multiple Box Office successes and can be counted on to have more.

The difference between a footballer with a multi-million-pound contract and one who makes the league minimum is also a result of this one thing (although having to endure the woeful performance my team Manchester United put in yesterday, I might be swayed otherwise 😉

Consistency Is the Highest-Paid Skill in the World

Consistency in your results creates confidence in your reliability, which brings assurance and removes risk for the clients who pay you.

The removal of risk combined with the reliability of results is priceless and helps you to understand how consistency is the key to business success.

Consistently good actors allow movie producers to remove the risk of a lousy performance and dismal box office results.

Footballers and sportsmen and women who can be consistently counted on to score a match-winning goal, make a catch or perform under pressure, time and again, reap the lion’s share of the rewards.

The fitness professionals I work with know the importance of consistency for their clients to achieve their desired results.

Consider the following…

Which of these workout routines do you think gets you better results?

  1. going to the gym once a week for two hours, exercising until you puke and then taking a week off?
  2. or going to the gym every day for 30 minutes, putting in good effort, working up a great sweat, but leaving a little bit of energy in the tank?[divider style=’centered’]

The same holds true for you in your business.

Look no further than the biggest reason for the success of major franchises and companies such as McDonald’s and Starbucks.

Do they have the best product on the market?

Not by a long shot.

But their customers can rely on getting a “consistent experience” every single time.

The Market Rewards Consistency Much More than Quality

If, however, you are able to combine both consistency and quality, then you can create an extremely successful business and a strong brand. Achieve this and you REALLY have found the key to business success!

Case in point: Apple.

One of the biggest reasons given for people using Apple products is: “It just works.”

This is another way of saying that it’s consistent and reliable.

When you add Apple’s obsession with style and quality components, and you get the biggest company in the world with a raving fan base that can charge a premium for its product.

Are there better computers on the market than Apple?


Are the companies who make these electrical products better at communicating their consistent results?

If they were, I’m sure that Apple would be in trouble.

The examples are endless, but you can see that it’s the consistency that is rewarded more than any real skill.

So how do you create consistency in your business?

First off, show up and do the work, even when you don’t feel like it—especially when you don’t feel like it.

I have compiled a list of 7 Steps to help you ensure that Consistency becomes a habit in your life and business…

7 Steps to Develop World-Class Consistency

Consistency Is The Key To Business Success

  1. Key to business success? Stop focusing on short-term results.

Life is not a microwave. It’s a slow cooker. If you’ve tried a casserole from both, you’ll know which produces a better meal.

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  1. Have a written рlаn that you refer to daily.

If consistency is tо bе a рriоritу, having a written plan with the most important activities will help. You’ll create a plan for keeping you on track and focused on critical behaviours.

The plan can be simple, but it serves as a reminder of what must be done in order to sustain consistent efforts which leads to consistent performance. I rely on my SELF Journal now and complete it each and every day.

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  1. Create rules for yourself.

Having the entrepreneurial spirit, I guess I have always had a problem with being told what to do. I will always look to help someone if they ask for my help; but tell me what to do and I WILL dig my heels in and refuse to budge.

I don’t like following other people’s rules.

However, I’ve had to set rules in place for myself and either hold myself accountable or have Sheena (for personal stuff) or mentors do that for me.

The rules that help keep me consistent are simple, such as, “I work out when I wake up.”  That’s a rule.

Another rule I’ve set is that “I write something, a journal entry or an article, every morning before working with my clients or on my own business.”

When it’s a rule, you’re more likely to follow it.

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  1. Commit to habits, NOT goals.

If achieving goals were meant to be easy, everyone would have a wall of trophies and a perfect life.

But the surest way to achieve your goals isn’t to chase them, but to create the right habits that automatically move you toward your goals almost effortlessly.

The best part about habits is that they don’t require willpower. They are automatic behaviours and either work for you or against you.

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  1. Track your progress.


    one step to business success - track your progress

A famous Peter Drucker quote is “What gets measured, gets managed” and it is a principle I strongly believe in.

Even if you get off track and slip up, if you’re tracking your progress, it will remind you how far you’ve come and it will keep you going even when you feel like quitting.

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  1. Fall in love with the process, not the progress.

As humans, we are wired for instant gratification and results and this can be difficult.

But it’s easier when you celebrate small wins and take pride in the path you’re on, regardless of where it gets you.

The benefit of this mindset is that you’ll get much further because you’ll get derailed much less.

It’s similar to the story of the tortoise and the hare.  The tortoise was slow but consistent and ended up winning the race.

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  1. Remember: Consistency is a muscle that needs exercise.

The most highly paid and in-demand skill in life isn’t something you can learn in a book or school.

It must be practiced and put into action “consistently.”

It’s a never-ending pursuit with never-ending rewards.

As a business owner, clients and customers will reward you with their loyalty and repeat purchases if they can count on a consistently good experience.

Next time you’re stuck in your business and are feeling stagnant or you’re not achieving your goals, simply ask yourself where you’re failing to be consistent and how you can change course.

Share the challenges (and successes) you have had below and let’s help each other make consistency a habit and get ready to SMASH 2020.

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Building a company with staying power is no easy feat. It is important for you as a business owner to learn the factors that determine a business’ ability to adapt and prosper long term and consistency will play an important key to business success.

If this post has resonated with you but you still have some questions and might be in need of help in mapping out your strategy or plan of attack, then why not take advantage of a free strategy call? You can book one by clicking here

About the author, Andrew Wallis

From two decades in the corporate world to finding my freedom in fitness, I'm known as Braveheart—a Personal Trainer turned marketing maestro for Fitness Professionals. I'm all about unlocking potential and empowering Fit Pros to grow their businesses. 'Finding Your Freedom' isn't just a mantra; it's a collective journey I embark upon with my clients.

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