JANUARY – What Makes You Different?




At this time of year most people don’t need convincing about the importance of fitness – New Year’s resolutions and holiday guilt take care of that. So you just need to convince them to choose your gym over your competitors.

JANUARY – What Makes You Different?

Focus your promotion on the aspects that make you different… Maybe it’s specific facilities (such as a pool) or your company values that differentiate you from others. 

Be super-focused with your messaging and you’ll have ideal clients queuing up to join.

Looking for stories for the January Rush?

That’s where this list comes in. Don’t wait until the first week of the month to start work. Get to work now and be ahead of the competition.

January Story Idea Prompts 

Why Losing Weight Shouldn’t Be On Your Resolution List.
  • January as we know marks the start of a New Year and many people will be making resolutions such as to lose weight or get organized.

    You could pitch a story on how to keep your New Year’s resolutions, but if you do, try to put a fresh spin on it so that it stands out.

    As a fitness professional, you might look to pitch something surprising like: “Why Losing Weight Shouldn’t Be On Your Resolution List.”

    When you think about it, the media covers the same topics time and time again — the key is coming up with new and interesting ways to present the information.

"When you think about it, the media covers the same topics time and time again — the key is coming up with new and interesting ways to present the information." - Andrew Wallis, CEO & Founder of Fitness Marketing Blueprints

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  • January is also right in the middle of winter here in the northern hemisphere so you could pitch an idea that’s seasonal. You might look to provide tips on how to avoid the common cold.
  • January is a time when the days are shorter and it gets dark early here in the UK. You could pitch a story on how to stay energised in the late afternoon when it’s pitch black outside. Or, how about a story on SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and how to avoid it?
seasonal affective disorder

  • January is also a time when the media likes to predict trends for the year ahead. You could pitch an article on technology innovations you predict or what this year’s hottest superfood will be.

  • It is also a great time of year to look to get inactive clients and prospects back on track so why not consider running a reactivation campaign or offer.

Got any ideas of your own? Please share them @andrewwallishq.

About the author, Andrew Wallis

From two decades in the corporate world to finding my freedom in fitness, I'm known as Braveheart—a Personal Trainer turned marketing maestro for Fitness Professionals. I'm all about unlocking potential and empowering Fit Pros to grow their businesses. 'Finding Your Freedom' isn't just a mantra; it's a collective journey I embark upon with my clients.

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