After the craziness of January there’s often a dip in attendance. So learn from coffee shops, and give cards to clients and members that get stamped every time they attend. If they visit 10 times during the month, then reward them with a free class, PT session, or swag.
Consistent attendance in the first month is linked to longer retention, so incentivise them to make exercising a habit!
"Consistent attendance in the first month is linked to longer retention, so incentivise them to make exercising a habit!" - Andrew Wallis, CEO & Founder of Fitness Marketing Blueprints

February Story Idea Prompts
February is the month of love -- but rather than pitch traditional Valentine’s Day stories, think outside the box.
How about a story on the relationship between a father and son or a trainer and a client? Or how about a story on the relationship you have with yourself and your health? Or maybe you can promote an offer of couples training together?

World Cancer Day falls on Sunday 4th February, so perhaps you could pitch a story on strategies to combat illnesses and cancer in particular. Or how about a roundup of healthy recipes?
The Superbowl is in February (love the Super Bowl 😉 but that doesn’t mean you have to pitch a story about football.
As a business coach, I might pitch a story on how to be a team player at work. As a health coach, you might write a story about how to make popular Superbowl snacks (like nachos) healthier.
February is award season with the Academy Awards and Grammy Awards happening. You could write a story on the pressures of being a celebrity or being in the spotlight.
Or perhaps, you could run with the award season theme and do a story where you “award” the top 10 healthiest snacks.

Do any of these inspire you?
Got any ideas of your own? Please share them @andrewwallishq