Strap On Your Rocket And Aim For The Stars…




This month my focus is on motivation. Goals for the quarter have been set and we are already 28 days into our first 90-Day Plan.

For those of you who receive my monthly newsletter, then in the January Issue, I reviewed the book “The 12 Week Year” and the importance of setting out your 3 Performance Blocks. If you haven’t read the book, then check it out, it’s a good read.

And if you don’t receive my newsletter and would like to learn more about it, DM me (@andrewwallisHQ) – it’s essential reading (although I might be biased 😜

I attended a workshop recently (isn’t it nice to be able to travel again?!) and got to chat with a number of attendees and discovered that these people were “lost”.

They either had no clear plan, no vision, or small aspirations.

That saddened me 😢

When we think about what we are capable of, we never think big enough.

We look at others and we believe that somehow they have something we don’t and that perhaps they were always destined for more.

We tell ourselves that we don’t have it in us to live that way and to take the action that they do.

We worry that we’re not brave enough to make the decisions needed to really live from a place of truth.

Or worse, we fear we have nothing of value to offer!

These are all stories to keep us small and playing safe.

We have all these fears bubbling away inside us; the fear of failing, being seen, being rejected, being judged, or even criticised for what we believe in.

Instead of facing them had on, we choose to run and hide and in doing so we deprive the world of our gifts!

Maybe you’re someone who is scared of success itself… because who would you then have to be?

What would have to change in your life, what would you no longer tolerate, and who would you lovingly release and let go of.

Even when change is for the best it’s still scary!

No one enjoys difficult conversations or potentially hurting someone’s feelings, and this can stop many of us from fulfilling our potential!

BUT, do you really want to dim your light for the sake of another? Is their happiness really more important than your own?

Strap On Your Rocket And Aim For The Stars - let's take a stand TODAY!

If this is the case, then let’s take a stand TODAY!

It’s time to stop limiting yourself.

You are so much stronger than you know and whatever is thrown at you, I know you’ll deal with it… plus, you always have me, your family and your friends, in your corner for the support!

If you can see and feel the dream in your mind, then it is possible.

Know that you have so much to give and share and the world is waiting for you and only you.

We are all special and unique expressions of the divine and someone needs your talents and skills, with your unique voice and story!

No one else will do…

It’s time to step up, believe in yourself, and dream big!

Remember, the only thing stopping you from achieving the dream is you. Do you really want to waste a few more years blaming things outside yourself, only to have to face the cold hard reality that it was you all along!

Dream Big

If you want 2022 to be your year, then you need to commit to yourself and your dreams now.

Stop putting things off until you feel more ready, or the time is perfect…. I guarantee there will never be a right time because your ego will always find something else to focus on to keep you safe.

  • Decide that you are ready and this is your time.
  • Decide that you are going to impact the world with your unique gifts and you will change lives.
  • Decide that you are ready to share your story and truth and know that the world will hear and embrace it!

Dream Big & Believe!

It’s time for you to start believing in yourself and what is possible for your life.

Face your inner demons, take action and you will finally start creating the life you really want to live.

Talk soon!

About the author, Andrew Wallis

From two decades in the corporate world to finding my freedom in fitness, I'm known as Braveheart—a Personal Trainer turned marketing maestro for Fitness Professionals. I'm all about unlocking potential and empowering Fit Pros to grow their businesses. 'Finding Your Freedom' isn't just a mantra; it's a collective journey I embark upon with my clients.

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